Friday, June 21, 2013

Smoking Hot

I pick up the cigarette, easing it between my eager lips.  Bringing the lighter to it slowly, I see you watching the flame dance as it licks at the end of the cigarette. I inhale deeply, closing my eyes as the smoke fills my mouth and pours into my lungs. The smoke fills my lungs,  rushing through me in a wave of forbidden pleasure.  As I exhale, the smoke swirls from my mouth like a caress, lifting above my head, and dancing in the air. 

Eager for the next delicious hit, I purse my lips around the long, slim cigarette and draw deeply.  My cheeks hollow momentarily and the beautiful red glow at the cigarette's tip brightens.

Unable to look away, you watch as I slowly draw the smoke from my mouth, up into my nostrils.  Transfixed by the smoke gliding sexily over my full red lips, you lean forward.  As I exhale, you open your mouth and inhale softly, taking the smoke from my mouth.


Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Oh That Telephone Man!

Nanny had to have the phone company come work on her phone today and Oh.My.Mercy!  They sent the yummiest creature out to fix my phone!  Whew!

The minute I set eyes on him, I started singing this song in my head and I would've let that gorgeous creature put it anywhere he wanted it!  Mercy, but he was fine!

I wanted so badly to trick him into a diaper and make him a part of Nanny's next sleepover!  Oh what fun we could've had with that little morsel!

Nanny Ella


Monday, June 3, 2013

Nanny Approved Sissy Toys!

I was looking through my Toy Box over the weekend and realized that it was high time I do some shopping for some new playthings.  I went to the Toy Store and had SO much fun picking out some new things to surprise my darlings with!  I bought so many beautiful shapes and sizes, so we can play for hours without getting bored. 

I love when I get to spend special time with my special ABies!  I've been thinking about a certain special Sissy and can't wait until we get to spend time together again.  Just remember....our games are our little secret!

Nanny Ella

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Getting Older

Getting older stinks! I was taking some time to look at myself closely in the mirror today and OMG I'm getting older! And I really don't like it, but you know what? There really isn't too much I can do about it. So I just have to accept myself for what I look like and what I will look like in the future. Here is hoping that nothing sags too badly! lol

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All of the calls are billed as Madison Enterprise

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Movie Night

Every Sunday night my bf and I have Movie Night, and tonight the movie of choice is X-Men. I don't make my bf watch girlie flicks, mostly because he is not a girl. lol Chick flicks are for women, and I think that women that MAKE men go to see them with them are being selfish to a certain degree. You want your man to like and love you don't you? However, if the man in your life actually likes Chick Flicks then that is another story, but for the most part men want to see men movies. It won't kill you to watch one of their movies, or watch sports with them either. Some women have this idea that men are just there for their amusement. Now there isn't anything wrong with playing out a Humiliation Fantasy, but when your man isn't in his 'fantasy' mind set don't belittle them, let them be men. They will love you better for it.


Sunday, August 1, 2010


Many times when I speak to someone on the phone I am asked if I know of why the person that is speaking to me likes diapers. I honestly have no answer for this question. I wish I did, but I do not. Many of us cannot answer this question about our own self let alone for someone else. I know it's a hard thing to come to terms with. People have little quirks and sometimes they do not know where they came from, they have always just been there. I think it's that way with diapers, or being a sissy. It's something that is just a part of our make-up. And all in all, wearing and liking diapers is not a bad thing, out of all the possible things considered 'deviant' diapers are pretty benign. So just try to be happy with who you are and what you like, and if you aren't then change it, nobody can do it for you but you.

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2.99 a minute, 2.00 connection fee (International)

Calls always billed as Madison Enterprise.